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Building Generational Wealth

Generational wealth is a term used to describe the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next. Real estate is one of the most reliable and proven ways to build and maintain generational wealth. Real estate has consistently proven to be one of the best investments over time, with the potential to generate significant […]

What does Inflation Mean for a Homeowner? 

What does Inflation Mean for a Homeowner?     For a homeowner, understanding inflation can help you make the best decisions on when to buy or sell a home.  Inflation is measured by different economic indicators such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Generally speaking, inflation refers to an increase in the prices of goods and […]

Real Estate is an Investment

Real Estate is: ….  A hedge against inflation because it is an asset that protects the value of your money  A tool to build generational wealth  An Asset that gains equity due to appreciation in value over time  An asset investment you can leverage or borrow against to purchase more investments  As an investment, it can […]

1031 Exchange Tips and Getting Started

Real Estate investors interested in selling their properties should consider a 1031 exchange in order to roll over their capital gains from their investment. Here are some tips on getting started on a 1031 exchange : 1)     Select Your Professionals:    Choose an attorney or accountant who has experience dealing with exchanges specifically – not just […]